martes, 2 de junio de 2015


I would love go to Australia
It is an exotic place and full of exotic wildlife, both on land and at sea.
I love to dive, since when I was little, I had always enjoyed the sea below.
In Australia, all in sea below are beautiful and alive.
But here, where I live, there is nothing special, algae, some small fish, at most you can find some octopus or some fish that is quite large.
But in Australia, things are different, the sea below is espectacular.
Although you can also find very dangerous creatures that can kill you. For example sharks, whales, jellyfish or very poisonous fish.
The truth is that gives me quite scary, but how nice it is, I do not mind the risk.
I really want to travel around and explore many new and distant places, I do not care the country, just want to see more world.


I think learning English should be basic for everyone.
Because it is the language most spoken in the world.
The English can serve you for many things.
For example, if you travel around the world, you can communicate with most people. (That's why I think everyone should learn to speak a minimum).
Also, the jobs, they demand to know English, for being such a general language.
For example, a high level language is needed at campsites, especially in the receptionists or information points, not only in English, so when people go to ask any questions, you will be able to respond.
Also, a lot of information on the Internet and books are in English.
In short, the world in which we live, we need the English, it is very important.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Breaking Bad

For me, Breaking Bad is one of the best series that there at the moment.
The story is amazing, is very well told and the performance of the actors is spectacular.
For me, the best performances are of the protagonist (Cranston) and secondary actor (Aaron Paul).
The series has a very big evolution of the actors, and the person who is watching the show very clearly sees it.
From Game Of Thrones he hadn't seen a good serie in every way. 
Each chapter is like a small film of 50 minutes.
Do not miss it, of best series today without any doubt.
If you have 50 minutes to give the TV, give them to Breaking Bad.