viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014


1.-Who's the director of this movie Psycho?
Alfred Hitchcock

2.-What type of characters did  he often use in horror films?

3.-What technique did he use with the camera?
As a film innovator, Hitchcock showed us that diverse cinematic techniques could be transformed into a powerful storytelling language. Every montage in the movies or music videos reminds us how Hitchcock.

1.-What is the comic relief?
An amusing scene or incident in a serious or tragic setting, as in a play, providing temporary relief from tension or dramatic action.
2.-Why is it often used in horror films?
Generally occurs when the work enters a dramatic or suspense moment.
3.-Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you think of an example?
Scary Movie

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

My horror movie

Hello, my name is Ferran and  I'm going to talk about a movie called Mama.
The film is a trailer and suspense. 
Two girls disappeared in a forest the same day that her mum was killed. Some years later, they were rescued and they wished to start a new life. However, they realised that someone still care for them specially at wight. They were still lost in the forest, as
they were living in a woodden hut.
Later, their uncle and their aunt found them and they took her back home.
Their aunt tries to help them offering them a good life but she soon realises that a bad spirit lives in their house.
So, she starts feeling worried.
How could the girls live alone in a forest for five years?
The plot I liked the most is when the mum or spirit protects the girls in the woodden hut.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

The Gothic Novel

1.-Who invented the G.N?
The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horace Walpole
2.-What was the first G.N
The first gothic novel was "The Castle of Otranto"
3.-When was it first published?
It was published in 1764
4.-Which basic elements of horror didn't you inlude on your list?
1.-Lights in abandoned rooms -Llums en habitacions abandonades
2.-Crazed laughter -Riure boig
3.-Clanking chains -So de cadenes
4.-Doors grating on rusty hinges -Portes griñolant
5.-Characters trapped in a room -Personatges atrapats en una habitació
6.-Atmosphere of Mystery - Atmosfera de misteri
7.-Ruins of buildings - Construcions en ruines
8.-Footsteps approaching - Pasos aproximant-se
9.-Supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events - Coses inexplicables
10.-Omens, portents, visions - Presagis, visions